Monday, April 20, 2009

Manly Men

Imagine if it was the other way around. Running and complaining to the government. Accusation of systematic sexism. More demand for affirmative action to close the "unemployment gap."

I do genuinely believe that men will find a bit of relaxation and comfort in being unemployment. They will, as I have, realized that you don't need that much to live on, and why work harder for it if it's only going to be taxed or taken away. Not to mention and to quote Steve Martin from Dirty Rotten Scoundrels;

"We're the weaker sex! We die from more heart attacks. More strokes. More prostate cancer. I say it's time for a change! I say let them take care of us for a while!"


  1. Of course the feminists will claim the only reason is because the men are being paid much more for the same work.

    It's pure sexism that woman are not being laid off, and are instead being kept on and overworked at near slave wages to bail out the men. Can't you see that???

  2. 88% of the variation in wages between men and women has been explained by factors other than gender.

    Women generally enjoy lower unemployment rates, better working conditions, more secure jobs, less danger, and less travel. In short, the jobs women choose possess non-monetary benefits which they obviously value.

    That pretty much closes the case file on pay discrimination.

    Men are losing their jobs at a higher rate because they dominate the industries which are most affected: construction, durable goods manufacturing, financial services, and business services.
