Friday, April 24, 2009

The Woo Girls Must Die

Just wanted to point it out, make sure we have a record of it here.

Yeah, those girls, at clubs, or at bachelorette parties or, well anywhere. The ones that yell out


And your entire nervous system starts to explode from the sheer shrieking and childishness of it?

Yeah, they have to die.

Just wanted to make sure we're all on the same page here.


  1. There's an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" that deals with "Woo Girls".

    If you don't watch the show I would recommend it. Barney seems like a Cappy type figure in my mind.

  2. I think I am closer to the Barney Stinson school of thought on this one, Captain. "How I Met Your Mother", episode 72.

  3. Yeah that episode is pretty good.

  4. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I must live a sheltered (as an old fogie) life because I haven't a clue what a WOO girl is or sounds like.

    I must also be very fortunate.

  5. Anybody got a link to that episode? You now have my curiosity piqued.

  6. redoge5:07 AM

    Best is when it's a school event and the audience is asked to hold all applause until every student is recognized.

    My white trash semi-single mom neighbor always gives a wooooo for her daughter.

  7. Couldn't find the episode... but here is Barney's video resume:

  8. It's not just women, it's men. I'd say that men are at least 40% responsible for our over-wooing problem.
