Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And the Winner Is....

Tom, with his simple, yet humorous chart showing pirates killed by presidents;

Tom, e-mail me at and claim your prizes!


  1. Hate to say this, mate, but I think this is a sad end to what was quite an interesting contest. (No I didn't participate, and hence, this isn't jealousy speaking.)

    On the one hand, you lament about how the "youth of today" don't understand what's really important and have their priorities all screwed up. Yet on the other hand you go and give the prize for "Best Chart" to what is—while admittedly funny—quite a pointless one. (Unless you see some deep significance here which I'm missing. Is there?)

    Any which way, your competition, your prize. But I'm just saying.

  2. Aargh! Shiver me timbers!

    The graph is not pointless. In fact, it's perfect.

    It captured the entire essence and modus operandi of the Obama Administration in one fell swoop: It's all about his image, not his accomplishments.

    Obama killed no pirates. He didn't order pirates killed. He didn't make any decisions regarding killing pirates. There were no "decisions" for him to make. He gave presidential approval for a soldier to do the job he was paid and trained to do. That same day, a janitor at the Smithsonian unclogged three toilets. A similar graph could show the number of toilets unclogged by Obama.

    Obama has not created or saved any jobs. Obama hasn't cut any taxes. He hasn't balanced any budgets. He hasn't killed, captured, or convicted any terrorists. He hasn't made us more respected in the world.

    As one blogger wrote, you can't tell where his public image ends and Obama begins.

    He's not a man - he's an abstract idea. He's a string of words thrown together, forming a sentence, but devoid of meaning:

    "There is a demon in my wristwatch."

    You can't argue against it because I didn't actually say anything. Good grammar does not a thesis make.

    A black face, a bright smile, an articulate speech, a funny name, a D behind his name, a new puppy - these things don't make a person or a leader. Change is not a policy.

    Is Big Brother still alive? Did he ever really exist? It doesn't matter, Winston. It never mattered!

    Obama isn't running this country - his image is. You might as well take a large cardboard cutout of him and replay any speech he's ever made. He could be a computer-generated fantasy from Pixar killing computer-generated pirates.

    Obama isn't a man, he's a fictional character.

    Obama is S1m0ne.
