Thursday, May 28, 2009

Barock Ekonomuks II

I originally made a post on Burak Ekonomucks a while ago, but seriously, this is NOT funny.

If this is the quality and caliber of his "economists" well freaking A. They're about as good as Lehman Brother, AIG, GMAC and other economists out there.

I can't wait, I really can't wait, until all those people who were so damn foolish and ignorant when it came to economics who voted for Barack Obama ACTUALLY THINKING HE KNEW HOW TO FIX THIS ECONOMY get to suffer the consequences.

ht to One Conservative Voice


  1. The funny thing is, Christina Romer, the UC-Berkeley professor and chief economist for the Obama Administration, published a scathing criticism of the New Deal a few years back. And here she is, in 2009, essentially implementing New Deal 2.0.

  2. But, he saved those jobs.

    If Obama was not in office, those jobs would have gone away.



    Look, it had to be said, and I wanted to say it before some Obamanaut did.

  3. Thanks for the nod.
