Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Michael Savage vs. the Pakistani Cleric

Mike's not allowed in

but best I can tell a terrorist is (though he may have subsequently been kicked out).

Regardless, yet another reason not to visit the UK...not that I was planning on it anyway.


  1. looks like they prefer having people bombing their "tubes" in than having somebody telling them to kick those people out.
    good for them.

  2. Cap'tan? You forgot to read the bottom of the first article:

    Making up the rest of the 16 named by the Home Office today are preachers Wadgy Abd El Hamied Mohamed Ghoneim, Abdullah Qadri Al Ahdal, Safwat Hijazi and Amir Siddique, Muslim activist Abdul Ali Musa (previously Clarence Reams), murderer and Hezbollah terrorist Samir Al Quntar and Kashmiri terror group leader Nasr Javed.

    Although immigration law in the UK seems screwy.
