Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama Beta

Ah, California. A spoiled state filled with spoiled people who think money grows on trees and you can have the government pay for everything while crippling the productive citizens with taxes, regulation and psychotic environmental standards. AND nothing bad will happen. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of people.

Understand though, California is nothing more than a beta trial version of Obama 1.0, which will roll out for the nation in a couple years.

In the meantime, how much you want to bet the children of California are going to ask states with more responsible people to bail them out with a federal hand out?

What an overrated state, simply (and this is how simple it is) because of the weather.


  1. What will happen first is the productive citizens will flee CA to states that appreciate hard workers, and have low welfare. Places like Texas spring to mind.

  2. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The correct course of action, IMO, which of course nobody will actually dare to attempt, is this:

    1. Revoke California's statehood. It becomes a U.S. territory. Send home its Representatives and Senators.
    2. Shut down all government functions except for the most basic police service and highway maintenance. Sell all federal and state government property not relating to such, to start paying down the outstanding debt.
    3. Once the former State of California's accounts are in the black, reorganize the territory into about two territories to begin drafting their own constitutions. I imagine two will be enough; a northern and southern partition with the line somewhere a bit south of San Jose. I think Silicon Valley belongs with the saner half of the state.

    4. One obvious problem, however, is the San Francisco-Berkeley zone. It may have to be blocked off and fumigated.

  3. Hey, now, I'm originally from California. And it is almost completely true. But there are a few non-crazy people who live a few miles inland.

    This is such an excellent time to use the term "Financial Ragnarok".

  4. Too bad Silicon Valley is there. I wish it were in Texas or Florida, so when I graduate I could get the job of my dreams but in a non-screwed-up state.

  5. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Why not revoke it's statehood, and wait until Texas secedes.

    Then encourage Texas to declare war on California and take it over.

    Never happen, but it would be damn fine theater.

  6. Make sure you break me out of here first.

    I owe the camp commandant and several of the guards a good beating.

  7. The rejection of the proposition 1A recently showed that a lot of Californians are fed up with the spending in Sacramento. I'm guessing the first programs to be cut will be DMV, Caltrans, and the more visible public agencies, to put fear into Californians about what will happen with budget cuts--to bring people that voted against new taxes away from demanding California government cut a wide swath of programs.

    Don't forget we ousted Gray Davis when he played politician with energy. The only reason Schwarzenegger got elected was talking the talk on conservatism. Obviously now, the only thing remaining of it is the record of his election, no more.

    I've got another couple years seeing if California becomes uninhabitable job-wise, tax-wise, regulation-wise. From the One-Time Land of Reagan, I still have hope.

  8. Anonymous4:32 AM

    It is remarkable that California produced a Predient like Ronald Regan. I have heard that most of California (geographically) is Conservative, however the Cities like San Francisco and LA carry the vote.. I guess that is true everywhere..

  9. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Interesting though that they voted no on the extra $6 billion. Even more interesting to see what the Californian state government is going to cut to reduce the deficit gap.

  10. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I agree this state is vastly overrated, but am glad so many believe it's the cat's ass, otherwise some of those bloodsuckers would wind up living here!! I say we keep telling them everything is okay and to just stay put.

    As for bailing them out, no F'ing way!!!

  11. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Been to Canada lately?

  12. Ryacko8:15 AM

    Hey, I live in California. I heard it's because only hardcore Republicans and Democrats will vote in our legislative elections. Because of this polarization, before budgets sometimes required raising spending AND cutting taxes for a budget to pass... with a 2/3 majority.

    If only if we had McCain. Then we wouldn't have to worry too much about the people sitting too far across the aisle to reach over.

  13. Neo:

    That is about the funniest thing I have read in a long time. Fumigate Berkley, I love it. Shame it will never see the light of day.

    Read in the paper today that CA is looking at killing a lot of the social programs, including stuff for the illegal immigrants. Not reducing it, killing it. And, the Dems are trying to find a way to increase taxes to keep them alive, despite the fact that increasing taxes is not an option.

    I will be watching this very closely over the next year or two. There will be very interesting lessons to learn that will allow me to prosper in about 5-7 years when the Obama mess comes to maturity.

  14. fatboy4:05 PM

    I live in this "state", and it is insane what has happened here, and sickening to imagine what will come. Tom McClintock has warned us an uncountable number of times that our level of government spending was unsustainable and he was right. Watch what happens to CA carefully. Many of our productive citizens have left, and many of our productive businesses have gone with them. I have stayed because I have a very good job - but I work for the state! Most of my friends and family here work for the state or county in one way or another. We are paid high wages but are taxed heavily and pay exorbitant union fees. Is it possible to have a productive society if most of your breadwinners work for the government? Now the rest of the country is going to have to pay for this lifestyle because we have no one left to mooch from here. Will you pay for it?

  15. Anonymous9:35 PM

    What will happen first is the productive citizens will flee CA to states that appreciate hard workers, and have low welfareNope, that's not what happens. Why do you think states like TX and FL are steadily trending left? It's because so many liberals are escaping hellholes like NJ, NY, and CA but vote Democrat in their new state. They seem to not understand the connection between how they voted in their old state and how screwed up it is, so they bring their dysfunctional politics with them.

  16. CA is mostly conservative outside the big cities. It's refreshing to get out to Communist Free California every once in a while. San Francisco was staunchly Republican until the mid 50s. San Diego was very conservative and now has been overrun with liberal Mexicans. Orange County is the most Republican county in America.

    In the same election that Obama won, the people struck down numerous proposed spending and tax proposals.

    Even in SF, the liberal mayor is pro-business compared to the communist he last ran against. The Board of Stupidvisors is largely communist but there is some occasional sanity out of necessity.

    The largest student organization at UC Berkeley is the College Republicans. That was also true in the 60s.There are over 150 ROTC cadets in the three services on campus. Most of the students are smart Asian kids who don't pay much attention to politics. The city of Berkeley is full of absolute leftist lunatics.

    Always remember that five decades of uninterupted leftist rule in SF has not eliminated poverty, racism, homelessness, or crime. They offer no excuses for their failure.
