Sunday, May 31, 2009

Precisely Why the Voting Age Needs to Be Increased

"Performance and sexuality studies major???????"

Holy "I'm never going to be a contributing member to society-daddy-can-you-give-me-more-money-please-while-I-protest-the-capitalist-system-that-afforded-me-this-lifestyle" Batman.

This is an example of the reason this country is damned. Young CHILDREN that never have to grow up.


  1. Sexuality can be an interesting field of study, as a subset of medicine.

    Not as a major in and upon itself.

    Exactly how much do these people expect to earn with that degree?

  2. Dr. Bob3:02 PM

    Well, this is certainly a teachable moment for Ms. Koch.

    Perhaps some time in jail, some hefty fines and the loss of her scholarship might teach her some lessons.

    When you confront "the real world" in this manner, one shouldn't complain when "the real world" bites back with a vengeance. Reality can be a real bitch.

    If one is going to protest and riot to make a political point, one should readily accept getting pepper sprayed, tackled, bruised, arrested and penalized. To expect no repercussions is cluelessness.

    The question I have is whether she was this crazy before the university or whether some freaking leftist professor sold her this bullshit.

  3. Anonymous8:47 PM

    "Liberal student groups have clashed with these speakers who were invited by the conservative Youth for Western Civilization to speak against illegal immigration."

    I think we should report a mis-spelling "Intolerant & fascist leftist" is not spelled "liberal":

    " Intolerant & fascist leftist student groups..."

  4. Ryan Fuller8:52 PM

    I fail to see what raising the voting age would have to do with this person. She'll still be retarded in ten years.

  5. I don't think we need to increase the voting age, simply limit the voter rolls to people who pay income tax. Let the people paying for the government make the decisions, and those living off the largesse of the government will simply have to abide by those decisions.

    If you think that's ridiculous, have you heard of "leisure studies" as a major? It exists, at real, regionally accredited universities. To say nothing of "women's studies," "African American studies," "LGBQTABCDEFG Studies," and any of the other worthless degrees. And tax-payer dollars pay for this. These people tend to go on to social work, politics, or law school.

  6. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I'll repeat myself about the voters should be required to past a test before getting to do so...and then tested every 8 years from them on to assure they pay attention to the process. Not passing or taking it keeps them out of the game where they belong. Also, if they won't participate, they don't get a say of any kind...shut the F up and live with the consequences.

  7. Anonymous12:32 PM

    My idea for election reform would be to simply make all the ballots write-in.

    That is, your ballot would contain nothing but a bunch of empty spaces next to titles of offices. No list of candidates would be provided or posted within the bounds of the polling place.

    Presumably this would tend to bias the voting power toward people more interested in being informed, although it would benefit the minor offices more than the big ones.
