Monday, May 04, 2009

Today's Word is "Inured"


Of the many reasons the Captain does not want children, one of the more highly ranked ones is that I very much appreciate and like my current lifestyle.

I go home and the only noise I hear is the security alarm go off notifying me I opened the door. I then type in my little code and the system is de-armed. After that....silence.

Beautiful, wonderful silence.

From that point on the only noises I hear are the noises I make. Typing on the keyboard. Opening and closing doors. The uncorking of a wine bottle. The ruffling of paper work. It is a calm and serene bachelor pad and only unless I through on some Beastie Boys or Cypress Hill is that serenity PURPOSELY disturbed.

Now the problem is that if you are over 30 and have never had a child, you start to take this calm, serenity for granted. You don't appreciate the order and clock-like regularity and stability of your life. That is until of course you visit fools that have decided to have children and are starkly reminded just how good you got it.

My girlfriend and I visited two poor souls that were friends of mine last night. We hopped on the motorcycle, took advantage of the near 70 degree day and with some spare time in our schedule, decided to drop in on this married couple. Upon entering the house all seemed in order until one of the children decided to come down stairs and visit with us. She was about a 2 year old child and while her parents and I tried to have an adult conversation the child then started screaming and yelling and making noise. Now the child was not upset or angry or crying, she was actually quite ecstatic to see new people. So this was jovial yelling and screaming, but none the less, still yelling and screaming.

I thought that after a certain amount of time the kid would stop, but it didn't. Certainly, I thought, my friends would intervene and take the child away and put her in the garage or the basement or something. But they didn't. It went on and on and on, to the point that I soon realized my friend who I was talking to did not show signs of this even affecting her. She could continue on the conversation without even skipping a beat, no matter how loud or piercing the screeches were from her little child. Once I realized this I couldn't really believe these screeches were not affecting her, which behooved me to interrupt our conversation and sincerely ask her;

"Wait, wait, wait. Doesn't this bother you?"

To which she responded, "What?"

I said, "The screaming? Doesn't this affect you? Why haven't you put the kid in another room or something?"

"Well she had a long nap and has a lot of energy."

Which didn't of course answer my original question and made me realize what had happened.

My friend and her husband had become "inured" to the noise. They had become "inured" to the children. No matter how loud, nor how outlandish the behavior of the child, my friends had grown accustomed to it and it no longer fazed them. And it was scary because what had happened was really nothing short of brainwashing.

For example, I had a buddy once whose girlfriend was a very attractive girl. He was an honorable and caring man, but perhaps too caring. He was one of those guys who still believed in chivalry and taking care of the women and being the knight in shining armor, blah blah blah. In other words he was a sensitive 90's man. Sure enough his "girlfriend" who didn't really want to spend that much time with him some how convinced him that spending 2 HOURS A WEEK together was more than enough for a relationship. His original, darwinistic, genetic code-programmed response was,

"BS, 2 hours PER WEEK? We're not boyfriend girlfriend, we're kind of maybe seeing each other a little."

Naturally a battle of "how much time is the appropriate amount of time" ensued, but he lost as she constantly wore him down AND ULTIMATELY CONVINCED HIM THAT HE WAS BEING SELFISH AND JEALOUS FOR WANTING TO SPEND MORE THAN 2 HOURS A WEEK WITH HER!

The point was he became "inured" to her unrealistic definition of a "relationship," inevitably capitulated and has ever since been treated like sh!t.

It was the same thing with my married friends. They had lost the battle. They had given up. And instead of having any semblance of self-respect for themselves, they now let their kid run their lives and it could only be obviated by it being seen by an outside observer who deems screeching children socially unacceptable.

Regardless, the event did re-teach me a lesson. Be happy with what you have if you have no children. Sure the freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want is great. And of course the largest of all reasons not to have children; ALL the income in "income PER CAPITA" is spent on you, because you are the only capita. But, boy, after last night, I really started to appreciate the nothingness serenity and calmness known as silence.


  1. The problem there isn't bad children, it's bad parents.

    Unfortunately, you also miss the laughs of the kids, and the joy of their hugs.

    Yes there are downsides of having kids, but that's true of any attachment. The upsides are tremendous.

  2. Now, Cappy, that's being a bit cynical.

    But, point made. Regardless of whether it's kids, dogs, or Jim Carey, the human capacity to ignore annoying stuff truly amazes me.

  3. MTGirl12:19 PM


    I am going to send you my husband's e-mail address. TALK to him, PLEASE!

    If you can delay me having to sober-up for 9 months, at the end of which a bowling ball will rip it's way out of my (formerly) happy zone and then scream at me for 18 years, I'll .... well, I'll buy a whole bunch of your books! And mail you some booze.

    Tell him about the brainwashing. Convince him he'll have to sleep in the guest bedroom because my butt will take up the entire king-size. Explain to him that my belly piercing will resemble some sort of pencil holder device. Please!

  4. JaimeRoberto12:51 PM

    I don't know if it is that we parents are inured or have given in, I just think that we are biologically wired to be less sensitive to the noises and smells that our kids make. I tend to accept my kids' noise, but other kids can drive me crazy. Similarly, when my kids were babies, their poop didn't stink nearly as much as other kids' poop. Now if there were some kind of poop-o-meter, I'm sure my kids would measure up to the others, but we are just wired to ignore our own. It's a good thing too, because if we weren't wired that way, there would be a lot more neglected kids.

  5. Mt Girl,

    You can have him e-mail me at

    I will then explain to him that children cost about $600,000 each, that when he has them he's basically bringing them into a world of slavery because (I presume) you're not going to teach the child to be a welfare bum and live off the system,ergo, he will be supporting the parasites of this nation, that the child will be indebted by $10 trillion thanks to Obama, and that if it is a boy he will get to try to date and deal with the girls of his generation, and if it is a girl, she will get to deal with the boys of her generation.

    In other words, and i mean this seriously, you are an effing moron for wanting to have kids in this collapsing society, especially if you are going to teach that child any sense of self-reliance and work ethic. They'll just become slaves.

    Also e-mail me so that you can mail me that booze.


  6. ChrisP1:34 PM

    If all the people with a clue choose not to have kids then the future of mankind is questionable.

    Aren't you judging the experience of having kids at the worst possible time? Having kids is a lifetime experience. The kids aren't always as irrational as a two year old.

    Also, having a kid is to me the ultimate way to bond with the person you love, and you create a new life which is incredible even if nearly everyone else can too.

    Still, I DO miss the quiet. Sometimes desperately. The workplace is a reprieve.

    I have a 3 and a 5 year old and am hoping that this initial investment of enduring these irrational years will pay off with many more joyful ones in the future.

  7. MTGirl1:46 PM

    Are you a Pendleton, Crown Royal, Chivas Regal, or Jack Daniels man, Capt?

    (Ooooh, personality quiz time!)

  8. Thus the reason my million dollar idea of shock collars will, in fact, net me about a million dollars.

    Unfortunately, now that free market economies must bow to the force of the Imperial Federal Government . . .I mean, that the Caymens are off limits for hoarding wealth, that million will be substanially less.

    Cheers, Captain!

  9. In the olden days, men had their studies and women had their sewing rooms. Both had social clubs. They were places to spend time by themselves. My lovely wife went out with her mother on Saturday. I spent 10 blissful hours alone in peace and quiet! I really miss my dark, quiet basement and my bright, quiet sunroom in my last house.

    Our neighbors have two girls. The little one is about two and a half and screams incessantly all day long. She woke up wailing on Christmas morning? What kind of kid does that? They are either beating her too much or not enough.

    I'll bet your friends never spank their kid. Gotta give them something real to cry about!

    Yes, we do get inured. Before I had a kid, I couldn't stand to hear a baby crying. Now I have nothing but laughter or sympathy for the parent.

    A researcher once discovered that the sound of an infant crying is the most annoying sound for a man.

    Children should be seen and not heard, especially in movie theaters.

  10. MTGirl3:36 PM

    You know the worst thing? Kids are like the 2nd door. Behind door number 1 we have comfortable prosperity and a predictably peaceful, mildly-to-extremely fulfilling life. Now, contestant, do you want what's behind door # 1, or do you want to chance ALL your winnings on what's behind door #2?

    AAAAggggg! What if my tombstone reads "I always wondered what was behind door #2." Aaaggg (tearing of hair). CRAP! All right Bob, lets go with ... (Aggg) ... door #2. (Peaking through hands)

    I think the saying curiosity killed the cat is a .... whatchamacallit ... metaphor for women and sex/children.

    Crap crap crap. Well, at least I can still enjoy booze and bikinis now, which just makes it taste all the sweeter. To the party boat! With some Black Bush!

  11. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Isn't capitalism based on being able to sell stuff? kids = future customer

  12. Capt:
    If you don't have kids, capitalism will fail. Can't give the nanny boss everyone around socialists any reason to perpetaute themselves. Further, having kids in bad times is the best antidote to bad times. They don't last forever. Kids ontribute to the economy too; after all you need to buy them clothes and food, etc.
    Japan's a good case of what happens when there aren't enough kids: a 10 year and counting recession. How many Louis Vuitton bags or Tag Heuser watches do you really need?


  13. Ryan Fuller9:06 PM

    "The problem there isn't bad children, it's bad parents."

    Not even good parents can fix two year old children. Good parents positively reinforce good behavior and use negative reinforcement to punish bad behavior, but this teaching takes years to sink in.

    "Aren't you judging the experience of having kids at the worst possible time? Having kids is a lifetime experience. The kids aren't always as irrational as a two year old."

    Someday, they'll be teenagers. Won't that be fun? Instead of making irrational demands because they don't know any better, they'll be making irrational decisions just to spite you.Kids stop being horrible bastards at about the same time they move out of the house.

  14. I agree with Mark: bad parents. Like dogs, (I love both dogs and children although now that my children have gone on to become tax payers my dog is definitely my pride and joy. See Going to the Dogs for more on my dog and the state of the world in general) children need to be taught not to jump on strangers or make incessant noise. For the record, my kids also responded to a whistle but they can’t point birds worth a damn. ChrisP makes the same point I’ve been telling my kids, one of whom is marrying someone even smarter than he is; the stupid people are breeding like rats. The smart people need to have children too or this downward slide is going to continue as the parasites continue to outnumber the hosts. Another benefit, they grow up to be fine men who drink scotch, gin and good beer. They’ve even learned to bring their own when they visit. Since they will both out earn their dad, I may even get a monetary return on my investment if Obama doesn’t tax them into poverty.

  15. Robert of Ottawa CA5:55 PM

    Cappy Cap,

    As you get older, that "beautiful silence" will become a "thunderously lonesome silence".

    Now, I agree that one or two screaming brats are an obnoxious assault on one's senses and tranquility.

    However, a large familly is a happy familly; the more kids, the less time and excuse they have for bothering YOU. Their siblings keep them in order and there are more hands on deck when CLEANING THE HOUSE is necessary (although I prefer to hire professionals for that job).

  16. Anonymous9:37 PM


    Apologies for not commenting in a long time, I was off on a trip visiting friends and didn't have a lot of time to browse the net.

    Anyway . . . yes, kids like the 2-year-old you described are painful to be around. And yes, the poster who commented that it is hard to rationalize with a 2-year-old is correct as well.

    BUT!!! You made a very good point in that same story, WHY DIDN'T ONE OF THE PARENTS TAKE THE KID OUR OF THE ROOM???? Being a parent is a big responsibility, but it's also multiple responsibilities (or duties, which is much shorter to type than responsibility). There's the duty to teach the kid how to be an adult (which includes teaching them manners) and there's ALSO the duty to not make the lives of everyone else around you hell while the kid is learning manners. At an age when we were old enough to understand courtesy and manners, if Mom told us to be quiet or she'd take us outside, that meant if she had to take us outside there would be a long unpleasant discussion about our behavior. And at an age when we were too young to understand courtesy and manners, Mom would still take us outside until we calmed down and could be quiet again. (Since the little girl was happy to see you, this hopefully would have only taken a few iterations -- be loud and you can't see the guest you're happy to see, be quiet and you can, get loud again and now you have to spend time with mom and without the neat man you were screaming at, and eventually it sinks in "I'm quiet and I get to be around the Captain, I'd better be quiet".)

    As for your friend who was brainwashed by his bimbo girlfriend -- your description of him as a "sensitive 90s man" says it all. Cavemen may be rougher around the edges, but I'll take them any day over one of those guys who likes being mistreated because that proves how much they really care. I don't think your friend was "inured" to his mistreatment as much as he decided it was easier to stew in neglect and pain than to stand up for himself and/or go find someone else.

  17. I'm a firm believer in rewarding noise and rudeness from children with a spanking. They learn very quickly.

    I think your friends were not so much "inured" as "deaf." A sad condition, either way.

  18. Capitalist Pig3:27 PM

    If I ever want a kid, I'll adopt. And you won't get a horrible lonesome silence if you have a good partner.

    Many people who are parents hate being parents even though they love their children.

    IMO, I would never want to bring a child into this world.
