Sunday, May 10, 2009

You Will Buy This Shirt

GO! Do it now!!!! Quick!!!

Besides, chicks will dig you.


  1. crabstampede11:28 AM

    It's sure to offend people who've been laid off. I like that.

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I think the people I'd want it to offend are those who are chronically on the welfare rolls and couldn't recognize work if it slapped them in the face.

    So one for the welfare dependent.

    "You're living off my money, so get your *@#! butt to work."

    OK, one for the unemployed...

    "I once contributed to GDP...
    and soon I will again!"

    Oddly I think the response most babes would utter would be "What's GDP? Is that a band?"

  3. Ryan Fuller5:19 AM

    In purchasing this shirt, you contribute to GDP just a bit more.

  4. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Can I wear this shirt if I work in advertising?

  5. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If in your most recent post you "Go Galt", how can you wear this shirt?

  6. Anonymous1:41 PM

    If in your most recent post you "Go Galt", how can you wear this shirt?
