Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Captain's Casting Call

As you may have noticed I have enlisted the help of some beautiful femme fatales to advertise and promote various aspects of Cappy Cap on the side bar.

However, while currently I only have 2 models, I need 5.

And despite a casting call going out to my female friends, only two have responded while the rest have said, "Yes, sure, that would be great" but have since only managed to procrastinate.


I am putting forth a casting call for any Cappy Cap readers of the female persuasion who would be interested in becoming one of the Captain's models. You can see by the current models (Natasha and Sindi) that the pictures are appropriate and cute, nothing sexual or lewd. More or less just looking for a woo-ing or sighing type face and then I'll put some schmaltzy line in with the picture.

In any case, if you or somebody you know that loves capitalism and is interested, shoot me an e-mail at;

Mucho thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:23 AM

    And who can resist a man who uses Ergo! properly in a sentence?
