Thursday, June 04, 2009

El Capitain is Taken Ill

Hi All,

I'm really ill. Normally illness doesn't prevent me from making posts, but this is so bad it really takes effort to type.

More posts will come, but they may be more of a link/copy paste, than new material.

My apologies in advance.

If any of you wish to send me material of your own, I would be more than happy to post it in that it would save me time and I do genuinely appreciate it when you guys send me stuff.

El Cap-i-tan


  1. Anonymous5:26 AM


    Have you come into contact with those walking petri dishes of plague and pestilence normally known as children?

    I thought you knew better.

    Get well.

  2. Anonymous6:29 AM

    How many times have we told you not to go around Kissing Pigs...
    You must have Swine Flue.

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM


  4. Ah, my beloved readers. I can always rely on their ability to pick on the poor ole captain when he's down. ;)

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Get well soon, Captain!

    Being sick is not good for your health.

  6. Well, if you're still sick, hope you get well soon - sorry, got a backlog of 37 blog entries to catch up on in my rss reader, haven't been keeping up to date :(
