Sunday, June 14, 2009

Vacation Bible School

When I am king, which I will be, one of the many things I will do is ban Vacation Bible School.

It is summer and the poor kids have been cooped up in nothing short of a mental prison known as school and what do you do?

Send them back to the exact same thing,but with a religious spin.

OK, parents, listen to me.

Do you NOT remember school?

Do you NOT remember church?

Do you remember EITHER of those being enjoyable experiences when you were a kid?

Seriously, I may not like children, but I look out for their interests more than most people realize.

Post Script!!! - I have actually uncovered some footage from my youth when I was actually in vacation bible school! I put it on You Tube, you can see it here;


  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I actually had fun at my vacation bible school when I was a kid... We would do bible stuff but we would swim or bowl and do fun stuff too... or do arts and crafts and games... Good times.

    I am sorry you had bad experiences with yours.

  2. Kitty7:37 PM

    Have you ever been to VBS?

    I'm a youth leader. We make it fun. I guarantee.

  3. I attended vacation Bible school as a child and enjoyed it. What I attended was about two hours long once a week, was outside if the weather was nice, and involved a nice snack and a craft.

  4. Times must have changed. That or the Wisconsin Synod made sure nobody had any fun.

  5. Yeah, I had a good time in VBS, too -- and I'm a presbyterian. You almost never see "good time" and "presbyterian" in the same paragraph. ;)

    When I grew up and had kids of my own, I volunteered to help with VBS. I'm sorry that you had a bad experience in yours, but for the most part it's a lot of fun: friends, crafts, songs, and snacks, too!

  6. what in the world! I loved VBS!!! I'm pretty sure it still wouldn't be around if kids hated it. maybe your church wasn't much fun.

  7. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I thought it was the most absurd waste of time ever. Even at 9 years old, I was smarter than the old bats that were teaching us. I'd stump them on how Adam and Eve were the only two people around how would their kids reproduce? Incest? All that BS about the earth flooding for 40 days (there simply isn't enough water on the planet!) and some guy coming back from the dead, yeah right!! All it is is the indoctrination of the next generation that makes adults feel better in that they are following the "Great Commission" of spreading the fairy tales to every soul! You really have to be a sucker to not recognize that every religion is simply a method to control masses of people.

  8. Andy R9:18 PM

    Cappy, in a deliciously free market twist, vacation bible school is SO popular at some of the establishments in these parts, that they are charging admission.

    Maybe you need to do some more VBS market research.

  9. Anonymous4:34 PM

    It's popular with the parents as a way to get rid of their kids. It's not that the kids are dying to go sir.

  10. The Wisconsin Synod is a branch of Misery Lutherans?

  11. Anonymous1:14 AM

    I loved VBS, ours wasn't boring, and the story time was exciting.

    To the anonymous who said, "Religion was made to control the masses"

    Makes me wonder every time someone says that if they feel better about themselves, as if they feel they have somehow figured out something no one else has. Its all the same skeptical know it all attitude.

    Your silly questions have been refuted with plausible answers. Most people are just too lazy to find out.
