Wednesday, May 06, 2009

You Will Enjoy This Recession

Besides which, if there's something I've tried to convey to my recently laid off Gen-X friends;


Now IS the time to relax, take it easy and enjoy. And the reason why is that you do not control the fates. Middle aged losers who so mismanaged this country are to blame. And to my friends, who are largely in the Gen X category who actually feel guilty in getting laid off, let me ask you this;

Are you really to blame for this economic collapse? I'm sorry, but were you in control of AIG, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs? Does somebody know Bernie Madoff personally? I didn't think so. It's not "young punk kids" in charge of this nation right now. It's the old, burnt out, pot smoking 1968 hippies who never had any talent anyway who are in control. Spoiled brats that had everything handed to them that never had to go and work or toil or suffer to build up the mantle that would make them real adults. Yeah, the "Jim Moronson" generation who (if you REALLY think about it) never had any hope of ever becoming anything near approaching their previous generation's stature, morality, honor, integrity or capability simply because they lived off of the previous generation's (and future generation's) labor.

No you weren't, you were not to blame.

The previous generation was.

And if you thought you could do something about it? Oh, you fool. They weren't going to let you take command either, no matter how much more informed and superior leaders you may have been. It is a system, a system to keep those who are outdated and obsolete in command and control. Ergo, there is only one thing left to do whilst the country crumbles as it's currently incompetent leaders flail, hopelessly to turn the country around;


Because watching cartoons ensures you don't piss away any more of your valuable and FINITE life working to contributing to social security and medicare.


  1. "Because watching cartoons ensures you don't piss away any more of your valuable and FINITE life working to contributing to social security and medicare."

    --But you also don't use any more of your valuable time making your life more comfortable, meeting and dating dames, or playing video games.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM

    You make me feel so depressed... unless that is sarcasm, but part of me knows that it is not.

  3. Anonymous6:53 PM

    No, but those burnt out pot smoking hippies raised the next generation, so I don't see things getting any better.

  4. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Currently the company I work for is offshoring jobs to low cost countries as fast as possible and laying off US employees as fast as possible regardless of whether the low skill, ill-trained and inexperienced offshore workers, many temporary contractors, can do the work.

    All to cut costs to pump the short term stock price so the current executive regime can cash in and cash out. Oddly enoough, while the business is making solid profits and the services business has more work than we can possibly handle.

    This company had 160,000 US employees in late 2004, it started this year with 100,000 US employees and now we're down to around 90,000. Their target is 35,000 US employees by year end 2012.

    I've seen a lot of highly skilled, experienced and excellent performers over the last 5 years go out the door either with pink slips and other forced to retire.

    The only thing keeping the company from disaster are the remaining overworked US employees that cleanup after the messes the global resources make.

    In this environment, anybody can be resource actioned at any time, through no fault of their own other than to be sitting between an executive and his fat bonus. And it doesn't matter if you're Gen x, Gen Y, Gen Z or baby boomer.

    Everyone is screwed in this environment.

    What you need to understand about Obama is that his economic plan is working very well FOR HIM - his goal is to be a dictator. He's already taken over the auto industry, the banking industry, much of the insurance and investment industry, with other industries such as IT and broadcast/cable media to come.

    Then his spending/taxing will enslave the productive, force businesses to leave the country, allow him to buy votes of the unproductive and fund his supporters like ACORN.

    We are in very deep trouble in this country.

    For the record, I'm a boomer and while I don't have quite the "previous generation's stature, morality, honor, integrity or capability", I have worked hard my entire life, I have lived frugally, my wife and I put ourselves through our undergrad degrees and then ours masters degrees. So, I'm not an "old, burnt out, pot smoking 1968 hippie"" or "spoiled brat that had everything handled to them" and I know many others of my age who are like me."

    So take it easy on those of us of the previous generation who actually contributed to GNP. We have suffered a great deal simply because we have been successful and continue to do so because we also continue to contribute to GNP. I have two young adult offspring who have already suffered under this mismanaged country, and frankly, I'm pissed as hell myself with the large investment firms and government entities that got us here.

    So don't shoot those who are on your side.

  5. In the wee hours yesterday morning, I waited on line for the release of a new phone. I've never 'camped out' before for concert tickets or game consoles. I was bored and wanted the solace and anticipation of a new toy.

    I brought a folding lounge chair, a muffin, and Atlas Shrugged. I was the first one in line but of all the people there, I think I cared the least about being there. Especially after I read the chapter with Francisco's monologue about money.

    At the last minute I wanted to go home, get rid of cell phone, TV, computer, sell everything and work off the books as a rancher in a low tax state. But you don't do those things on a whim. It takes preparation and I've got family to consider. Ayn Rand contrives it to be too easy for the Atlases to shrug personal ties and responsibility. She also underestimates how long the incompetent can keep the trains running.

    So I'll spend more time watching cartoons and doing my best to buy things tax free on the internet or on military bases.
