Sunday, September 27, 2009

Off Color Recession Medicine

I am the by product of two very different and diametrically opposed families.

My father's side was the Wisconsin Synod, Nazi, Lutheran, EXTREMELY conservative, "ballroom dancing is a sin" type of people.

And my mother's side was the "drinking, cursing, swearing, having fun, let your kid have ice cream for breakfast" type people.

I would like to think that I am a healthy balance of both, but every once in a while I am lambasted for being too much of my father's side and not enough of my mother's side, especially when it comes to having...let's just say... "accidents" when you are a full grown adult.

This has become a point of contention between my mother's side of my family and myself, so much so, that I decided to make a "Downfall" parody to defend myself.

After showing the video to my family, it was requested by several people that I put it on the blog.

I AM WARNING ALL OF YOU IN ADVANCE that this is NOT about economics, it is NOT about finance and that it is CRASS, contains CURSING, is SOPHOMORIC and is not normal par for the course of Cappy Cap.


Given these recessionary times, it may provide a bit of humor and hilarity for those who need it.

View it at your own discretion.


  1. Anonymous4:19 PM

    That was actually worth the four minutes. Thanks.

  2. And I thought my family had issues . . . .


  3. Congratulations.

    One book and one movie, both self-published, before you're 40. You've met your quota and have been spared eternal shame from your family elders for being an underachiever. You've made your heritage proud, on both sides.

  4. Anonymous8:21 PM

    You mean to say that you as an adult, have NEVER experienced the warm, mushy feeling of pooping in your pants?


    But weirder still are people who talk about it at family gatherings.

    Next thing you know they'll be talking about their experiences with "explosive diarrhea" as if they were talking about a vacation trip.

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Interesting. But the seemingly endless stream of "downfall" videos on youtube is getting annoying. You could have chosen a better video. Hmm maybe something from scarface?
