Wednesday, September 02, 2009

This is for My Mom

Greetings all, after a 650 mile bike ride on a Ninja 250 crotch rocket, weighed down with 50 pounds of rocks and gear, your beloved Captain is back in Minneapolis.

Not related to economics, but thought you all might enjoy some photos at your leisure, however I am also putting these photos up here so I don't have to show everybody in my family and friends the pictures multiple times.

This is the dance hall in Edgemont, SD where we went to the county fair

These are some "cowgirls" that Natasha thought was cute and wanted to take a picture of. They shortly thereafter joined the boys over the fence where they engaged them in a game of "tackle each other in horse manure" which is a long-standing tradition in Edgemont.

This is the fairgrounds in Edgemont.

This is about mile 6 in what would be a 20 mile hike through the heart of the Black Hills. The peak there is Harney's peak which is the highest point between the Rockies and I think the Alps.

This is Dewey. There is nothing in Dewey. Not even fossils. (note the Indiana Jone's hat however).

This is the top of St. Elmo's Peak.

This is Wyoming.

This is me failing at fishing in the Spearfish Canyon (where the Harley Riders drive their powerful motorcycles REALLY SLOW). This is also me telling Obama to go to hell if he thinks I'm going to work more to pay more taxes so that others may parasite off of me and the system (notice my indifference to the fact I am NOT contributing to GDP). I think this might make a good motivational poster like "Go Galt: Because When Your Marginal Tax Rate is 78%, Why Volunteer to Become a Host to Parasites?"

This is looking down into the Spearfish Canyon. The climb was difficult.

This is me. And behind me is Spearfish Peak.

This is Crows Nest. I took this picture from Little Crow's Nest Peak.

This is again me showing how exited you should be if you climb Spear Fish Peak.

This is Dr. Barb and my brontothere fossil. The kid in the picture was somewhat excited about going on a fossil hunt originally, until she found out that Dr. Barb was a woman. Then she became exstatic. Never mind I found the damn thing, never mind it's a brontothere. Oh, no, that doesn't matter that icky gross "boy" Cappy Cap found it. But "what? Dr. Barb is a woman! Hot damn, let's go fossil hunting!"

These are "Clarey's Angels." They did not tell me about the shirts when they came to visit. All they did was go into their cabin and say they were going to dress up and that I should too. So I come out of my bathroom all changed and boom, I see this. I could potentially be "somewhat" spoiled.

This is why we dressed up; the commander at the VFW in town. This is in Hot Springs, SD which is NOT a big town, but the commander runs the best damn VFW in the nation and dresses appropriately. I will write about him more, but he is also one of the many vets at the VFW that was kind enough to give me their money in two separate Texas Hold Em tournaments.

There are more but that is more or less the gist of my vacation.


  1. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Clarey's Angels. WOW! I am jealous! All of them Hotties!

  2. Anonymous6:38 PM

    You play Hold'em too?

    My brother from another mother!

  3. fatboy9:11 PM

    awesome pics, except where are the pics of you and the BIKE? I want to see how you loaded that sucker for your trip. I have done many long rides (although none as long as 650 miles straight) with a fully loaded Ninja 500 and I am curious to see how you organized it. Stand up and be PROUD of your nice, efficient Ninja.

  4. No picture-post on the internet can occur without this question: what camera did you use?

    I take it you've seen the The Government Can video/song.

  5. CC,

    Always wondered if you were in the reserves, or some such. VFW . . . Army t-shirt . . . generally talk common sense . . . OK, give us a clue in a future post (am on RSS so won't spot a reply in the comments).



  6. Anonymous12:03 PM

    If you're NOT in the reserves or Army the IPFU is kind of a poseur thing.
