Friday, October 16, 2009

Another Reason Not to Move to, Or Invest in California

You just can't make it up.

What I love is how nobody in California seems to be capable of linking this to their 13% unemployment rate.


  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    is it?

  2. My favorite part was "If all TVs met state standards, Rider added, California could avoid the $600-million cost of building a natural-gas-fired power plant. Switching to more-efficient TVs could have an estimated net benefit to the state of $8.1 billion, the commission staff reported."

    If all the bureaucrats with these zany ideas were to commit suicide, they could probably save even more energy.

    TV or bureaucrat? That's an easy choice...

  3. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Sitting here trying to put "re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" to a jaunty tune.

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "If all TVs met state standards, Rider added, California could avoid the $600-million cost of building a natural-gas-fired power plant. "

    And every wind turbine ever built from now 'til the end of time.

    Actually, avoiding wind turbines is almost always the efficient money saving choice.

  5. Anonymous11:08 AM

    How about a ban on any home larger than, say, 2500 square feet. I am certain that would save lots of money.
