Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Apple One - Minneapolis

Quick story that must be told, but then I have to get on with my day, but I feel this will save no doubt scores of people from wasting hundreds of hours of their time.

Had an interview today with a recruiter, Apple One. The guy said to go online, fill out the online application, bring a resume and show up at the DT Minneapolis office this morning at 11AM.

So I spent an hour yesterday filling out their little online application form, basically replicating the information that was conveniently provided in my resume, hit "submit" and the screen says, "Application Submitted."

Wake up this morning earlier than normal because now I have to go downtown. Put on a suit, print off an extra couple copies of the ole resume and stop at the cash machine because I have to pay to park in Minneapolis. Whilst enroute I get a call from Apple One.

"Are you coming in today for an interview?"

"Yes" I said.

"Well you haven't filled out your application? Shall we cancel the interview?"

I said, "I haven't filled out my application? Ma'am, I filled it out yesterday."

"Well we don't have it on our system."

I said, "Do you have a copy of my resume? Would it be possible to just interview me over the phone then?"

She said, "I don't know."

Now angered and frustrated (because as some of you no doubt know what it's like dealing with recruiting firms) I said, "You know something, if your system is so unstable it doesn't save applications, then forget it. I'm not driving downtown and wasting my day if you guys don't have your act together."

Steaming because of how unprofessional Apple One was, not to mention the waste of my time, I thought maybe my recruiter didn't know what was going on. With an outfit unreliable as this, it was likely my recruiter was fully expecting me and nobody had informed him I wasn't coming in. So I called.

Guess what.

He was never in the office. He had the day off.

Now I don't know about you, but my limited experience with recruiters is not all that good. For the most part I think I've gotten all of one gig from them, and barring that it's largely been they interview you, they smile at you, and then you never hear from them again.

But Apple One is insulting. Forget the unreliable application system, how about the unreliable people? Not to mention how these inefficiencies result in wasting other people's time.

So here's the lesson from Cappy Cap today boys and girls;

Do not use Apple One as a recruiter, either as an employee or an employer. You're not going to get the job/find the ideal candidate for the job, and all you'll end up doing is wasting your time while their system crashes and their recruiters take days off.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I've had the same experience and am amazed that these companies even exist based on their shitty performance! Who the hell do they actually place in a job with this MO?? No one I know...
