Friday, October 09, 2009

Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize

I, no doubt, will be asked about my opinion of this, but to pre-emptively address this issue, I shall write it as briefly as I can;

This only shows how the Nobel Peace prize has decayed and degraded from its original intent, in that it is nothing more than another leftist institution awarding itself self-congratulations and accolades.

This is not meant to sound crass, but I use this word since it is the only word in the entire English language that accurately describes that the nobel prize is;

Leftist masturbation.

You will see in our lifetimes where the Nobel "Prize" is utterly worthless and irrelevant in that the masses don't care who gets it in that it no longer represents anything that advances or progresses society.

That is pretty much all I have to say.

You can have your say by e-mailing these idiots at;


  1. I think we arrived at worthless today.

  2. I think the Nobel Peace prize (I think the science awards still deserve some respect) became irrelevant after it was awarded to Al Gore for making a Powerpoint presentation.

  3. It would be sad if it weren't so funny.

    It would be funny if it weren't so sad.

    The only thing that remains is for him to declare himself God in the temple in Jerusalem.

  4. What exactly did he do to deserve this?

    The only peace related thing I recall him doing is the beer summit, and that would never have been necessary if he had kept his mouth shut.



  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Want to know what happenend during last year's peace prize deliberations? They choose Al Gore over Irena Sendler, a Polish woman who risked her life saving thousands of Jewish children from the holocaust. Obviously Al Gore, the guy full of hot air about global warming is a better choice.

  6. Barack Obama, who took office on the afternoon of January 20th, 2009, being awarded a Nobel prize in a category where nominations closed on February 1st, 2009? Does that even make any sense? The Prize for Peace has become a farce.

  7. Ryan Fuller6:21 PM

    Yasser Arafat got one, too.

  8. Anonymous6:31 PM

    This is like the high-school prom kids who elect as prom queen the girl in the wheelchair. It's a nice, sentimental gesture when it comes from a bunch of adolescents, but is just silly when it comes from adults.

    The peace prize has been a joke for the last two decades (the literature prize has been a joke for even longer). There's even a whole different system for awarding these prizes, no doubt so the science prize committees can distance themselves from the lunatic fringe.

  9. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I mostly agree with your statement, except for the part about this award degrading the original intent of the Nobel Peace Prize.

    This is from Wikipedia:

    'According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."'

    So, not to sound like a cynic or anything, but the Nobel peace prize has been hooey from the get-go.

    To pick a past awardee somewhat at random:

    1934: Arthur Henderson

    He was a lefty socialist English politician who chaired the Genava Peace Conference in 1934. It was this kind of disarmament thinking (contrast to Winston Churchill) that helped get us into WWII.

    The Nobel Peace Prize committee has always rewarded espousers of the flaky, hand-holding worldview that gets us into wars with thugs like Hitler. So the award to BHO was perfectly in keeping with tradition.

  10. Dr. Bob8:36 PM

    Normally, I don't like to post something from another blog, but this commentary is the best I've read on it.

    A Peace Prize for Hope

    It outlines a history some of the dubious winners of the Nobel Peace Prize and why the NPP is virtually meanless.

    It's all about a leftist, socialist, peace at any price, anit-American political agenda.

    Obama won this precisely because a) he's not Bush, b) he continuously has berated and apologized for America's accomplishments, and c) has done everything he could to erode American exceptionalism and America's standing in the world.

    It doesn't matter a bit that he hasn't accomplished one damn thing, all that matters is his ideology is aligned with the useful elitist idiots of the Nobel Committee.

    The world would be much better off without the farce known as the Nobel Peace Prize.

    And if Obama has one lick of common sense, he'd graciously refuse it and admit he hasn't earned it.

  11. This just tarnishes the real prizes, chemistry, medicine, physics, and economics. The literature prize has become politicized as well, though not to the extent of the Peace Prize.

  12. Look at the Nobel Peace Prize winners of the last 10 years and show me one person, who really did something to deserve this prize.

    And let's not forget Paul Krugman's win last year in the economics category.

  13. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The people that clearly were less deserving then Obama.

  14. I suspect that the Nobel Peace prize was given to Obama to send a message... to whom and for what purpose, who knows

  15. This was a strange deed by the committee and I also tend to think it might have some deeper meaning - like sending a message to point out that not much is happening regarding the promises and future visions. But purely seen as the Nobel Peace Prize, there is no doubt, it seems ridiculous to most of the world. If at least this would have the effect of an encouragement to some action in such a field, we wouldn't have to consider it being worthless. Julie
