Saturday, October 03, 2009

Bush to Blame for Failed Olympics Bid

Oh wow. How intellectually weak and dishonest can you get?

If this leftist take over of the United States has taught me anything, it's just how childish and weak a people can become when they're are spoiled rotten. Just what pathetic creatures humans are capable of becoming. BLAME BUSH FOR THE FAILED OLYMPICS BID????

It IS a mental disorder. It's not a joke. You DO have a mental disorder if you blame Bush for this.



  1. Bush is Emmanuel Goldstein to Big Brother Obama.

    Obama and Congress are using 1984, Animal Farm, and Atlas Shrugged as instruction manuals.

  2. I said it before, and I will say it again. The number one reason that Obama won the Presidential election is because the United States was unified in their hatred of Bush and anything even remotely associated with Bush.

    While I am not a fan of Bush, I cannot fault his administration for 1/100th of the problems in the US today. Then again, using facts, logic, and reason is no way to get votes.
