Friday, October 23, 2009

Economics Under a Democrat Senate

I am not a big fan of blaming one person or a small group of people for large economic issues that are obviously triggered by society. For example I do not blame GW for the current recession, just as I don't blame Barack Obama for the current recession or Bill Clinton for the previous recession (though the lethargic, painfully slow recovery circi 1990 Japan I will blame Barak and Bush for).

Regardless, I do believe congress is more powerful than the president as it is primarily their policies that are submitted to be voted on and implemented into law and therefore have more sway over a country, but I'm still not blaming democrats for all problems. Still, this chart suggests SOME correlation. I would prefer to see this going back to 1947 though.

Thank you Mr. Brown.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    The only thing I can see is that people start voting for Democrats if the economy is in good shape and they vote for Republicans if there is trouble.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Does Mr. Brown have a website? Where's the source?

  3. Mr. Trum,

    It's because when the sh!t hits the fan they need daddy and not "mommy" with her cake and bribery ice cream.

    It's amazing how in times of crisis society inevitably turns towards the manly components of society to resolve their problems.

  4. Ryan Fuller6:23 PM

    "It's because when the sh!t hits the fan they need daddy and not "mommy" with her cake and bribery ice cream."


  5. I have a Master's degree in Political Science, so the "inner grad student" in me has to ask, What's the source of this chart? Census Bureau? Congressional Budget Office? U.S. Treasury? academia? If you tell me, I'll feel more comfortable about adding a link at my blog, DC Handgun Info.

    Must know!! Please advise.

  6. Anonymous4:15 PM

    FUCK all these towal head sons a bitches , let them fight it out between them selves COME HOME
