Saturday, October 03, 2009

Hitler on Corporate Taxes

I've been toying around with microsoft movie maker more and more and have been putting together little tidbits of video. Thought this might bring some humor, as well as a lesson on economics, during this recession...that really could be ended within 6 months if I was in charge;


  1. Very nice.

    I'd recommend changing the font to white and on the shorter segments, abridging the text so people can finish reading it before the scene changes.

    According to Wikipedia, Krugman taught at Berkeley some time ago, but his CV doesn't even include Berkeley. It must've been a sabbatical.

    Recommend you change it to Brad DeLong. DeLong is essentially a fatter, stupider, less talented, and far more shrill and irrelevant version of Krugman.

    Or you could put Janet Yellen, former professor at Berkeley and now Chairman of the San Francisco Fed. Her CV is so light on publications, it's an affirmative action wonder how she ever got tenure. Three of her most notable papers were co-authored with her brilliant but equally misguided husband, George Ackerlof. It's another sad case of a sorry female professor being dragged up the ladder by her over-achieving husband. She gets a job only as a two-fer.

    Ironically, former Berkeley professor Christina Romer's early work showed that fiscal policy was ineffective at bringing the US out of the Great Depression because tax increases offset it. According to Romer, it was accidental monetary policy which did so. Devaluation of the dollar (from leaving the Gold Standard) and a flight to quality from Europe to the US (because of impending war) did the trick.

    Believe it or not, the National Association of Business Economics (NABE) gave Krugman their Adam Smith Award. Now that I know that, I'm ready to tear up my membership card.

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    nice timing with the american idol watching idiots comment and the collar tug.

  3. I will take the liberty of giving you a hat tip (H/t) on my pro-gun blog. You're one clever b******! Good luck on your blog!
