Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Noble Prize

I do believe the good colonel is onto something. When the Nobel prize has done nothing more than prostitute itself out to backscratching socialists, it not only has become irrelevant, but a replacement must be made that actually honors real achievements that it's namesake originally set out it to do.

The colonel lists the "Noble" winners of various categories, and tongue and cheek as it may be, if you think about it, these people REALLY have done the most to advance society in those areas.

In the meantime here are the people the Nobel committee passed up on.


  1. This was a conspiracy by the Norwegians to provide jokes for David Letterman to distract from his sex scandal.

  2. It pains me to say this but so much of “polite society” seems to be treating Obama like a pet monkey. He is treated by the “intellectual elite” as if any demonstration of being able to “walk and chew gum at the same time” is to be celebrated as the highest of achievements. It seems Mr. Biden expressed the reality behind the mask of Progressive political correctness when he said “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” during the primaries in 2008. The Norwegian politicians who comprise the selection committee for the Nobel Peace Prize couldn’t have demonstrated the soft racism of low expectations that forms the dark heart of contemporary Progressivism any more clearly.

  3. Pull up a bunch of recent protest photos, see who owns the word peace these days.

    As far as Norway goes, it's economy is completely dependent on oil and gas, particularly the offshore oil and gas industry support side.

    Peace prizes go to whoever will cause the most disruption in oil supplies from the middle east.

    This raises the price of oil, and promotes exploration in more offshore sites, both improve Norway's economy.

    The Obominator was picked for what they knew he would do, and what that would do to the dollar vs. the Euro.

  4. Lost me on Randy Pausch. Also, he should have gone more into Sowell's work on the economics of race and culture, two extremely important areas of his research which have been sadly neglected.

  5. Anonymous4:14 AM

    You can shake it.
