Friday, November 13, 2009

More Proof Socialism Sucks

Hmmm... Interesting. Nobody wants to live in Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea. And despite the world hating the US over, most people want to live in (drum roll).....

A couple other things to note;
1. The UN is constantly toting Norway as "the" place to live. Most people do not concur.
2. South Africa is the hot spot in all of Africa.
3. Russia was a surprise, though with their flat tax and leadership that actually has pride in the nation and doesn't blame itself for all the world's problems is interesting.
4. I'd like to see the Caribbean countries in that Cuba would not fair well against evil capitalist tax havens such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands.
5. HT to Canada, eh!
6. I am surprised though that Ireland was not higher. With us hot, pastey white, drunken Irishmen afterall I mean.


  1. Anonymous12:33 PM

    A lot of muslims are moving to Russia and some of these other nations. That's not exactly what I'd consider to be a vote of confidence, but rather an invasion.

    Some of our southern border states understand that.

  2. "4. I'd like to see the Caribbean countries in that Cuba would not fair well against evil capitalist tax havens such as Bermuda and the Cayman Islands." Ironically, before seeing this list, I had thought that if I ever stumbled onto a business idea with the potential to make me filthy rich, I'd relocate to the Caymans as soon as possible, so some studies on their social and political structures (corruption, tax rates, etc) outside the tourist havens would be nice to see.

  3. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I thought Russians hated Muslims?

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I don't see it that way... I see it as Western Europe and its allies... We do basically control the world. People want in on that...

  5. Anonymous11:00 AM

    The main reason people move to another country, is to pursue a better standard of living. That is why free capitalist countries attract immigrants. This also explains why Marxist countries, will not allow their own citizens to travel outside their own country. Marxist countries have to use walls, barbed wire, and armed force, to keep their subjects from fleeing economic oppression.

  6. There was an article on Yahoo last week that talked about a survey of people from foreign nations.

    The MAJORITY of people in foreign nations were unhappy with the country they were living in. The three countries they most desired to emigrate to were:

    1. The United States of America
    2. The United Kingdom
    3. France

    Funny how they hate us so much but most of them want to come here to enjoy our freedom and prosperity.

    I have searched in vain on Yahoo, Google, and Bing for that article. I should have emailed it to myself the moment I saw it. If anyone can find it, I'd appreciate it.

  7. Ryan Fuller8:22 PM

    "I don't see it that way... I see it as Western Europe and its allies... We do basically control the world. People want in on that..."

    Clearly, Australia and Canada are puppet-masters beyond compare.

  8. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Another interesting study would be degree socialism correlated to native birthrate.

  9. Anonymous7:09 AM

    if global warming is such a critial issue shouldnt we limit immigration from warmer counties to colder counties where people are forced to consume more energy..if its so important..... here in canada we drive long distances,heat our homes at great cost, greens should all move to mexico

  10. People want Canada because the USSA is easy to sneak into from there.

  11. well... this chart tells were people WOULD LIKE to go... theoretically.
    I'd like to see a chart telling me where people actually go!
    and, for example, which are the requirement in those countries for a work visa and for citizenship.

  12. Anonymous5:09 PM

    English, for better or worse, is the world language. Taught is schools from a young age. It should probably not come as a surprise that people top rank the countries where they don't have to learn a new language.
