Saturday, November 21, 2009

Natasha is Coming Hurray Hurray

Again, one we threw away.


  1. Anonymous8:22 AM

    These photos are small time that you keep releasing...

    Where's the "French Maid, Naughty Nurse, Dirty Librarian/Teacher, Catholic School Girl, Corporate Exec, [or] Beer Frau Outfits"?

  2. There will be none. It will be tastefully riqsue. You can always submit pictures or start your own calendar you know.

  3. So let me get this straight..., I can submit pictures of myself dressed as a Naughty Nurse? I mean !!!

    It's a dream come true I tells ya


  4. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Stew, you are a guy. No one wants to see that.

  5. Anonymous10:58 AM

    The good news is that we have our Captain to censor all submissions of photo's.

    That will keep us from having to wash our brains out with bleach everytime we visit the site.

    Instead, we have the lovely & tasteful Natasha. yum.
