Friday, November 06, 2009

When Predictions Fail

You should not listen to those who made the predictions in the first place. And the current environmentalist nutjobs are no different today.

An interesting discovery by the good Colonel that shows what the global warming zealots are predicting is nothing more than them spouting off their religion just as they did back in the (wonderful decades known as) the 60's and the 70's with no real care whether it's reality or likely to come true.

This is a cult.

This is a religion.

You brainwashed masses in America better learn this global warming thing is a scam and you're being taken in on it.


  1. As a corollary, I would add that you should not listen to someone until they get at least two predictions correct. Any idiot can get lucky.

  2. A further corallary, when that streak ends, stop listening to that person until they get hot again.

  3. A broken clock is right twice a day. You need ad least three correct predictions to beat the clock.

  4. Ryan Fuller9:13 AM

    The subject of religion is the study and worship of something which is perceived to be the highest power, and the supposed nature of this higher power is how the tenets of a particular religion are given shape. The primary role of a religion is to tell people who and what they are according to their relationship to this highest power, and by extension their role in the grand scheme of things and what they ought and ought not to do.

    Note that this highest power doesn't have to be a god. In Soviet Russia, the State was the highest power. Other religions were banned. People were defined by their relationship to the State. It determined their role in life and tried to define what behavior was acceptable.

    Environmentalism is, without question, a religion. They regard nature as their higher power and form their views of humanity in relation to it. Pollution is blasphemy. People who do not subscribe to their religion are considered to be infidels, constantly blamed for bringing about whatever evil happened this week.

    Environmentalists don't usually realize that they're religious zealots. Occasionally they'll prattle on about how bad religion is, then go about advocating theirs in the next breath. We really should start treating them the same way we treat the more fanatical acolytes of other faiths; with a smile and a nod and no serious consideration. At the least, we should stop confusing their doomsday predictions with science.

    I've noticed that people who don't have religion in a traditional sense will find themselves lacking for an easy source of meaning in their lives, and either take steps to find their own or end up adherents of a religion like environmentalism or communism. Some find meaning by preaching against these other groups or practices that they find offensive. This isn't necessarily a bad thing depending on how they go about it, as it's pretty clear that the dear Captain here gets his kicks by bashing other religions (traditional, communist, environmentalist, or otherwise) and advocating capitalism to the point where he named himself after it. He often judges people based on their contributions to the capitalist system, praising engineers and accountants while condemning liberal arts majors, sociologists, and other feel-good-but-do-nothing-productive types of people. We could use a few less environmentalists and a few more in the Captain's camp in my view.

    That's how I see it anyway.

  5. Was posting old essays up and I think this one kinda applies (admittedly shameless blogwhoring that this is...)

    All about how wrong they were/are about overpopulation...

  6. Ming the Merciless12:17 AM

    So, Ryan, if you say we should treat environmentalism as a religion and environmentalists as zealots, does that mean we should scourge them with whips and nail them to trees?

    I'm all for it.

  7. @Ming I think the problem with that is...they'd probably enjoy it.

  8. Ryan Fuller6:35 AM

    The thing about environmentalist zealots is that that want all of humanity to become flagellants.

  9. Birdzilla1:23 PM

    Back in the 1970s they were making all sorts of wild predictions like the earth would be so poluted that we would have to all wear gas masks to go outside or our cities would be under huge domes And now its all this GLOBAL WARMING,CLIMATE CHANGE poppycock THEIR STILL LYING
