Wednesday, December 02, 2009

God Bless the Aussies

The Australian Dollar should rally at least 20% over it's western pro-global warming counterparts who actually sign onto any cap and trade.


  1. Too bad the Americans (well the current administration at least) are too hell bent on taking control of the US economy, (damn the consequences!) to actually listen to any form of reason.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Rudd is a socialist. That is why he wanted a cap and trade scheme in Aust. Cap and trade is just a communist disguise. It is just another method, for a government to centralize control of an economy. After some great examples of socialism, such as the USSR and North Korea. The socialists have reinvented themselves, under the cover name of global warming.
    Global warming is not just a science fraud, it also a world socialist movement.
    Cap and trade, is really just a green code name for more taxes and socialism.

  3. Is 20% realistic?

    I wouldn't think more than 5%.
