Sunday, December 20, 2009

Haiti - The Model of Socialism

Hey, but at least they had good intentions.

Right? Because that's all that matters, right?

I mean, forget whether it works or not. It's just that a bunch of rich spoiled brats in the west who never worked a real job in their lives "meant" to do good and that's all that matters.


You leftists mock and ridicule capitalists and free marketers all you want. In the end capitalism has done more to eliminate poverty than any government program. But of course, it's never been about ending poverty with you people, now has it? It's been about making you feel good and finding you a cushy job at a non-profit so you can feign like you care and can fake like you actually are doing something of worth in this world, just as long as you can avoid having a real job and avoid doing real work.


  1. Cappy,

    I agree with you that capitalism will solve this. What I think shows American arrogance is terming child labor as slavery. Once upon a time, children worked the farms in the US. It wasn't slavery. It was a necessity of life. Capitalism increases productivity, which eventually negates the need for child labor. Of course, the libs just think they need to outlaw child labor, and that will some how fix it. Instead it will lead to starvation, crime, and more orphans.

    Keep it up Cap.

  2. Anonymous8:31 AM

    That is the key phrase:

    capitalism has done more to eliminate poverty than any government program

    It should be shouted from the rooftops.

  3. Anonymous6:00 PM

    omg ...exactly. it is about looking good and avoiding working to hard in so many cases.
