Friday, February 26, 2010

McCay Hatch

Mark my words, and hopefully someday when this kid grows up, search engines will find this post and say, "wow, that Cappy Cap was right on."

Children should not make laws nor should they go on political crusades or campaigns.

They are children.

They are idiots.

That's why we don't let them vote until they're 18 and even that nowadays is still too early.

They should be in school studying, learning skills to get a job and not telling adults what to do, let alone even "hint" or "suggest" what is "appropriate" behavior.

Regardless, my prediction is this young teen will grow up to be an adult who will become a career politician.


Because he has tasted a little bit of power AND THE STATE ASSEMBLY HAS OBLIGED HIM. He will have a chioce; "Go to college and study engineering and create something of value....OR...go to school for political "science" get a law degree, can't find a job, HEY, I'll run for office because I like changing people and society!"

Something similar happened here in Minnesota where a bunch of teens who had nothing better to do decided to get the City Council of St. Paul to ban candy cigarettes.

Future Nanny-Nazi's they will become.


  1. The most amusing thing about that insipid story is that the teen in question can't even bring himself to say cursing instead of cussing. Honestly, what is this, Huckleberry Finn?

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Good for them. We all know candy cigarettes were a ploy by Big Tobacco to get little children into smoking! Stick it!

  3. OK, Let me see if I have this right.

    California is broke.
    Seriously broke.
    Like forced to use the water fountain, instead of bottled water broke.
    The State makes me look wealthy, they are so broke.

    And, they have time to push this tripe through the legislature?

    Let's see a show of hands on who earned their pay this month? California Legislature, put that hand down NOW!
    If I was the Major, I would demand a refund of my state taxes.

  4. Anonymous7:51 PM

    It's enough to make one want to call up a bunch California radio talk shows during that week and give them an example of cussing (or cursing).

  5. We should repeal te 26th Amendment. No 18 year old I ever met had the intellectual sophistication or maturity to wield that weapon. Not even those in the military.

    I go with Robert Heinlein: voting requires a completed term of military service. It should also require a high school diploma, contribution to GDP or taxes, or proof of legitimate business ownership.

    The laggards of society should have no say in how it's run. Basically, you need to prove you are viable outside the womb.

  6. Huh, cussin' is banned in Calif because it is a gateway to drinking and drug use and violence?!

    As a religious person who does not do drugs and is not violent, I can say with full confidence, that's bullshit.

  7. Ryan Fuller4:59 PM

    I wouldn't mind seeing these Children launch a crusade. Preferably the kind of children's crusade that ends with them all being captured by slavers in Italy.
