Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Unemployment, Mean Duration of Unemployment and Labor Force Participation

The loss of economic production due to idle labor is astounding. I am particularly shocked with the mean duration of unemployment.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    lousy Europeans.

  2. come on? BHO says things are going great, just saw him on italian TV, 2 million jobs "created" :D

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    The charts don't lie, but the politicians claiming recovery is under way certainly do.

    PBHO claims 2 million jobs created - he's right... he just hides the fact that they were created in China, India, Vietnam, Brazil and Russia.

  4. Anonymous8:04 AM

    The duration of unemployment is likely related to such things as extended unemployment benefits. A great deal of effort is expended to make unemployment less unpleasant. If too successful they form a disincentive to take jobs which might be worse than the one recently lost. There have been historical times when an unemployed professional might seriously face the specter of a crap job flipping burgers. With ever increasing "protections" during a period of unemployment, an individual can hold out for a longer period of time hoping for the better job which they "deserve".
