Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Why Jackie Mroz Can't Find a Job

Hat tip to the Colonel.

Can you guess, without reading the article, why Jackie can't find a job?


  1. Ryan Fuller10:52 PM

    Because Jackie is overvaluing herself?

    From what I hear, fast food restaurants will hire just about anybody. If Jackie can't find a job, it's because she thinks the jobs she could get are beneath her or don't pay enough.


    Ok, after reading the article, Jackie found a bunch of jobs. In catering. Her degree is worthless. She thinks get a more advanced degree in worthlessness will help her find a job. This is because Jackie is actually an idiot. She should stick to catering.

  2. FrankReality6:10 PM

    She might consider a job as a community organizer. Look where it got Obama.

  3. Jeff M11:33 PM

    Well, if there is one good thing about this depression it's that it is showing the people who wasted thousands of dollars on worthless degrees just what those degrees are actually worth.

    Of course it still managed to screw me. It took me, with a 3.7 in mechanical engineering from a top 10 engineering school with 1.5 years of co-op experience almost a year since I started searching to get the great job I finally landed.

    Of course I probably could have taken a job at an international nonprofit if I wanted to lower myself to that.

  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Sadly, this moron gets to vote...
