Friday, August 20, 2010

Never Trust a Woman Who Doesn't Like Victor Borge

In my youth I had purchased tickets to see Victor Borge 6 months in advance to make sure I got the best seats in the house.

I have regaled many of you with the story before wherein I could not find a date because most women in my generation at that time were too uncultured to appreciate, let alone even know who he was.

However, it did remind me of an instance long ago in Cappy Cap history where I had courted a young lady who after showing her my Victor Borge DVD was not impressed and did not laugh even once during the entire show.

The relationship ended shortly thereafter.

So a lesson to all the younger Cappy Capites out there, if you want to save yourself some time to determine whether the girl is worth dating, simply start by showing her a Victor Borge DVD. The Great Dane left us at least that much.


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I love Borge. Even though you may have seen his routine a dozen times, it still is funny.

    And you're right - don't trust ANYBODY who doesn't laugh at it!

  2. Jacob Oost7:34 PM

    MST3K is my barometer.

  3. Dr. Bob9:04 PM

    Yup, about the only time I watch public TV is when the have Borge on during fund-raising time.

    Besides a comic, he really was a good musician.
