Saturday, August 14, 2010

You Think So????

Honest to God.

3 years after a recession and they NOW finally start asking these questions.

Had the Captain been in charge 300 million Americans wouldn't be suffering a recession for 3 bleepin' years.


  1. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Because they just figured out that rainbows, unicorns, personal charisma, classic Keynesian spending, takeover of the medical sector of the economy, the threat of allow the Bush tax cuts expire and the One's world apology tour and golf outings aren't doing a damn thing positive for the economy.

    Of course the morons at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC still haven't figured it out.


  2. But, don't you understand???

    Paying off the debt is more important.
    You need to increase revenue to pay off the debt, right? Who has the money? The companies. They are getting rich off the oppressed middle class right?

    We need to get more people working, that is what the country really needs. Lower federal debt is the fastest path to that, right? Companies will want to work in a country that has manageable debt, right?

    So, we should increase the corporate taxes, not reduce them, that will make the companies flock to the US, and create millions of new jobs...

    Oh, wait...

  3. Stan in Sugar Land4:18 PM

    Cut the Corporate tax rate to 10%, in the USA, 0% for repatriated income from overseas, no minimum wage, premit widespread, offshore and on shore drilling in the US (add 2-5 million barrels of oil per day within 5 years), get the regulatory burdens off of coal fired generation, nuclear fired generation, gas fired generation, get rid of tax subsidies for wind and solar, get the EPA off of industry and citizen's back. Then listen to Canada and Mexico complain about the American press gangs kidnapping people to come work in the US we would be so labor short!. Also reduce the size of government, cut government wages, pensions and vacations, local state and feredal by 50% - yeah that would help to!

  4. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Hey Stan, where have you been living for the last 50 years?
    America is now socialist utopia. Even one or two of your common sense suggestions, would never be excepted, at any level of government. Even Sweden is more free market then the US. Sweden recently refused to give government money to a GM division.
    Corporate taxes are just a sales tax on consumers. The tax is simply passed on to the consumer of the end product. Even this simple concept,will never be understood by socialist voters.
    In the meantime more business people will keep moving their companies offshore. Young people graduating, will go after government jobs that pay better then the private sector.
    Marx and Engels would be impressed.
    Jefferson would be horrified!

  5. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Hey Stan, where have you been living for the last 50 years?
    America is now socialist utopia. Even one or two of your common sense suggestions, would never be excepted, at any level of government. Even Sweden is more free market then the US. Sweden recently refused to give government money to a GM division.
    Corporate taxes are just a sales tax on consumers. The tax is simply passed on to the consumer of the end product. Even this simple concept,will never be understood by socialist voters.
    In the meantime more business people will keep moving their companies offshore. Young people graduating, will go after government jobs that pay better then the private sector.
    Marx and Engels would be impressed.
    Jefferson would be horrified!
