Thursday, September 30, 2010

Black Markets Form in the Funniest Places

This is not meant to be a crass subject, but because of the nature of the subject, I am giving you fair warning.

The short version is this;

Since Britain has made it possible for women to sue sperm donors for child support (surprise, surprise) the supply of sperm has run out forcing women to look for donors via a brand-new black market. Ah, the undefiable laws of economics.

The official version is this.

The very crass interpretation and hat tip (don't tell me I didn't warn you) is this.


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    The Black Market is really just the free market producing products, that the government does not approve. In the old USSR and Eastern block, the Black Market was massive.
    In Ontario Canada, the Black Market for cigarettes under cuts the over taxed price. The underground cigarette market is now estimated to be 40-50% of the legal market. Ontario government tax revenues on cigarettes, are down over 1 billion dollars.
    This happens all the time, when governments try to control free market activity. Prohibition in the 1920s, encouraged a massive underground economy to develop.
    Why do governments continue to attempt the control of the market place? I guess they prefer that people deal under the table, for the products they want.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Nevermind controlling the market place...who in their everloving right mind thought that allowing children concieved from the sperm bank to SUE THEIR BIOLOGICAL FATHER FOR SUPPORT was a good idea?

    Seriously, there's a reason MOM went there, and the guys contributed onthe basis that it was anonymous and they wouldn't be a "Father" in any real sense, THEN you change the rules?

    YOu *retro-actively* CHANGE the Law to give some one a HUGE liability?

    Rule of law out the window? 1000 years of common law jurisprudence for nought? If the law isn't predictable it's not law and deserves no respect.
