Thursday, September 02, 2010

Julia Brownley

I'm going to go out on a limb here and test my Crusaderism Theory and bet that Julia Brownley, who authored legislation in California to ban plastic bottles is a crusader.

For those of you who have yet to watch my brilliant economic piece of "crusaderism," in short it is an explanation that basically explains all leftist AND some right wing politicians and their behavior. It exposes them for who they are - people who have no real world skills or talents or employment prospects and thus go into politics where they feign as if they care about their constituents, but are really there first and foremost for themselves because they want to avoid having a real job.

It's not that you didn't know this already, but it can now officially be defined, identified and be considered a disease or ailment that plagues society, not to mention prevented and legislated against (should the population ever decide to be wise enough to ban crusaders from office).

In any case, I shall predict that Julia Brownley;

1. Has a worthless undergrad degree
2. Has no real world working experience in the private sector or as a productive public sector employee (say like managing a department or working as a garbage man, etc.)
3. Is a democrat (which was in the article, but of course)
4. Comes from AT LEAST upper middle income socio-economically
5. (I'll go on a limb here) and also predict that her daddy or mommy is also in politics. (This one I could be wrong on, it's just a gut feeling).

How'd I do?


  1. JB100010:48 AM

    I expect you are quite right about Mz. Brownley.

    Remember when environmentalists tried to convince you to recycle, conserve or bring your own bags to the store? Now they try to use the law to force you to do as they wish. Not a trend that will end well.

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM


  3. Plastic 'bags' not bottles.

    Or you could actually do some genuine criticism of the anti-plastic bag proponents, rather than going on another ad hominem post/ anti-leftist tirade.

  4. Anonymous8:29 PM

    #1 BA Political Science George Washington University; MBA American University

    #2 Worked in marketing management in private sector for 15 years

    #3 Democrat (far left)

    #4 Can't tell for sure - but probably

    #5 Grandfather served in Virginia state Legislature

    Two grown children, no mention of marital status in recent bio, older bio shows married to Joel.

  5. Eh, not too bad. Though I wonder what that "marketing" consulting thing was for 15 years before she went totally "public school pro."

    Regardless, I still want to know about her folks. May not be able to get that info.
