Thursday, October 28, 2010

Doctorate in English

Ah, majoring in a field where 99% of the population already has mastered the subject;


  1. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I love these clips! I think the Cap'n should do some economic lessons making clips like these..

  2. Haha!! Very good.

    The worst part of English as a subject is that any writing with substance is excluded. For instance, Hume was an excellent writer, but he wrote about philosophy and history - he is, of course, considered one of the greatest of philosophers - and never so far as I know wrote any poetry. So you will never study Hume in English classes. Similarly for Berkeley and Bertrand Russell,
    and the great American historian John Motley.

    English is one of the Johnny-come-lately subjects in university, and should be abolished.

  3. Ryan Fuller9:50 PM

    Go read youtube comments for five minutes and tell me 99% of the population has mastered English.

    This isn't something that will be rectified with college level courses, though. We need to start flunking elementary school kids who can't read and write on an elementary school level, then keep it up through high school.
