Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hurray for Chile!

I want to thank all the sociology majors, women's studies majors, philosophy majors and communications majors that played an important role in rescuing those poor miners...

oh wait.



  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Michelle Malkin made a good point regarding the American driller. The Washington folks and media down played his success. This is a huge story, and should have been a great international PR story for the US.
    I guess if you are not in a union or a civil servant, team Obama and the media just do not care.

  2. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I wonder how long it took President Piñera to find out whose a$$ he had to kick to get this done.

  3. President Piñera is a business man; someone who trusted his own judgement, rather than deferring it to 'experts'. He also is a trained Economist. Coincidentally, so is the current Prime Minister of Canada. Did I mention that Economists (the good ones, not the Paul Krugmans of the world) rock.

  4. Welcome to the First World, Chile. If this had happened in China or Iran nobody would have cared.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    I am a geologist, I have worked in Chile, in Copiapo, actually (well, 4 hours drive in the middle of nowhere, 4,500m up).

    These Chilean miners are f*****g tough; they usually have little education, but they know how to work, *HARD*, and will take some risk to do a good job. Also, and nobody has pointed it out, the vast majority of Chilean men spend 1-2 years conscripted... and it shows; my foremen had little formal education (no degrees in Arts or Social Studies), but they could: 1) plan like hell, 2) take freaking good notes, 3) act on the information available... and at the end of a 14 hour day they are laughing and singing... I think the mixture of Conquistadores and the tough local natives has produced good results...

  6. Could you send a couple of them here to teach the American men how to man up? I'm doing the best I can, but one can only grease myself up in motorcycle repair so many times.
