Monday, January 10, 2011

Domino Sugar

More proof there's a sucker born every minute.

On a side note, if you're interested about telling Domino Sugar about how you like being proselytized and lectured to about going green, you can tell them here.

Because after all, you are all are a bunch of fascist anti-environmental nazis unless you buy "green" Domino sugar.


  1. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Great news,
    But we should push this carbon free idea a little bit further. It is time for some truly "carbon free" products like carbon free diamonds, carbon free oil, etc.
    There is a bottomless pool of eager customers.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The sugar industry of all things. The sugar industry gets massive government subsidies, and huge import tariffs on foreign sugar. The sugar industry is a perfect example of corporate welfare.
    These are the last people in the world, that should be bashing the oil industry.

  3. Your misread of the product label can be clarified by reading the FAQs:

  4. CappyCap -

    Article you might like.

  5. Anonymous12:56 PM

    C12H22O11 minus C12 gives you 11 waters.

  6. Diamonds and sugar are chemically composed of carbon. Once sugar is consumed, it is metabolized into carbon dioxide, at which point it contributes to global warming, along with water vapor and methane.

    Although a truly carbon free economy requires the ban of all machinery and the use of a feudal-style slavery.

  7. Anonymous5:56 AM

    The whole concept of "green" is a pile of bovine waste by products and a scam, that's why I sent that web site to you earlier.
    Carbon is part of everything organic, every plant that grows, every tasty steak grilled over a hickory wood fire. The advertisment for "carbon free" products is for IGNORANT suckers who pony up hard erned cash for the latest fad.
    Yes, the advet is clumsy. What they mean to say is "no mean, cuel, carbon producing environment destroying machines were used to produce this bag of sugar" I say Bulls**t. Are the harvisters electric? Was the Machinery that processed the sugar (a very energy intensive process) powered wholly by solar or wind power?
    To totally divorce our economy from carbon based fuel sources would plunge us back into the stone ages, simple hunters and gathers, whoops wouldn't be politically correct to hunt, so I guess we'd just be gatherers and we'd all starve to death.
    pls forgive my rant, I'm off my meds lol

  8. I've been meaning to mention all the sugar subsidies.

    Pump the Green Weenies full of CO2 until they fart oxygen and crap diamonds.

    Then they will be earning their keep.

  9. It's a misnomer really. By "carbon free" they actually mean "carbon neutral" which is entirely possible in agriculture.
    A life cycle analysis measures carbon released through fuel combustion and creation of any/all consumed materials involved (pesticides, bags to hold the sugar and such). Then you measure the mass of sugar made from the harvest and with a simple calculation can get the %mass of carbon in the harvest. If the carbon in the product (sugar) is greater than the carbon released in the fuel and materials used then the product is carbon neutral or even carbon sequestering.

    If a car company advertised themselves as carbon neutral I'd be highly skeptical, but as I said earlier it's very possible to be carbon neutral or "carbon free" (<- stupid term) in the agricultural industry.

  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    I wrote this to their corporate office:

    Dear Sir,

    I was perplexed by your website and promotional video. (

    Domino produces certified "carbon free" sugar? C12H22O11 is carbon free? It's got more carbon in per mole than jet fuel.

    Perhaps you offset the carbon in your sugar cane by sequestering your seasonal workers in the back pasture?

    Are you guys crazy, or do you merely think the rest of us are stupid. Some people have grown so used to the cognitive dissonance dinning in their ears they don't know if their heads are up their own asses or somebody else's.

    I suggest you send someone to check up on your marketing guy and make sure he hasn't suffocated himself yet.

    Yours truly
    Chris Ivey
