Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Chimney Sweeper > Communications Major

Chimney maker makes $240 an hour.

Starbucks "Barrrrrrrrristas" make considerably less.

This concludes your lesson in basic economics.


  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Not only more profitable, but it can be dirty and hazardous work, and requires skills beside smiling and looking nice.

    Obviously society values a chimney sweep higher than a barrista that serves over-priced, burnt coffee.

  2. My college degree is WORTHLESS!!

    LOL. What a waste of money and time. I should have just gotten a library membership card and learned more.f

    Jokes on us, all of us guys with liberal arts degrees.

    Thanks, Cap. Excellent link.

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Plumbers also make some pretty big bucks.
