Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Support the Teachers

A teacher who has the courage to speak her mind about public education and then is lambasted by the school administration?

Damn right I'll link to her.

Filed under, "Institutions trying to violate your freedom of speech if they don't agree with it and threaten to fire you for having an opinion."


  1. Anonymous2:40 PM

    I wonder what the grounds for dismissal were?

    Something like:
    "You said something that might be interpreted by certain people some of the time to be possibly negative about their child or our school and you might have posted during business hours."

    Err. What?

    Maybe I'm an aberration, but at worst this merits a stern & pompous: "Knock it off, sister."

    I'm not a fan of teacher's unions in general, but this is patently something where a Union should stick up for it's own, why they were founded, in fact.

  2. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Funny how teaching is supposed to be a field involving learning and understanding.Yet in practice, they support shut up and do what your told.

  3. I didn't see/haven't seen the blog entries at issue.

    If you find them, please post a link, copy and paste, send them to me in an e-mail, or something?


  4. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Political correctness, destroying the nation one person at a time...

    I love the "god forbid you say something plainly and honestly" mentality...

    ...and ANONYMOUSLY, to boot...un friggin real...
