Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Pour Yourself a Martini and Fire Up a Cigar

From the Hawaiian Libertarian;

"Not a courageous moral warrior walking alone the path of righteousness in a world of sin, but rather a butthurt scoundrel trying to grab onto every piece of power he can find while disguising it as being morally superior in order to feel better about himself."

What the Hawaiian Libertarian is highlighting here is what I have called "Crusaderism." I didn't come up with the term or the concept to seem like a faux intellectual. I came up with it because it exists. And not only does it exist, it is the single largest factor causing the general decline of the US and western civilization.

IF YOU WANT TO UNDERSTAND POLITICS AND THE WORLD TODAY (and dare I say) even more clearly than what Rush Limbaugh can convey, watch the series below (THERE ARE TEN PARTS, THE BEST ONES ARE THE LATER ONES, DO NOT LISTEN TO JUST THE FIRST ONE AND STOP AND THEN WONDER WHY YOU HAVEN'T ACHIEVED SUPER AWESOME ECONOMIC GENIUS). But of course first pour yourself a martini and light up a cigar. You don't have to "watch it" you just need to hear it, so turn up the computer speakers and do some spring cleaning or something. You will thank me for it;


  1. Good post. I've always noticed the pattern of "radicals" usually come out of the middle/upper class, whether one is bin Laden or Bill Ayers.

  2. Thanks for the linkage, my good Captain.

    I must say, I never ever once considered bothering to read the Unabomber's manifesto...

    ...but upon discovering a recovering vegan was inspired to change his life after reading it, I decided to give it a whirl.

    Other than his sociopathic idea of bombing people to draw attention to his ideas, there was not a lot of crazy in it.

    Seems like although Kaczynski could identify the crusaderism problem with vacuous liberals, he failed to see his own extremism in his own crusade.

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    H.L. Mencken had the best term for them - "uplifters." He enjoyed pointing out that they were lifting people up into a particularly mindless and meaningless existence.

  4. Following the "Up next" buttons, I got 10 parts.

    Good points, I also noticed no "Finance" majors in the Minnesota State legislature, though you of course pointed out no Accountants.

    Also, why didn't you call yourself "Captain Capitalism" in the vid?

  5. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Damn... now I'm going to have to read the Unabomber's manifesto...

    Actually, there is now an real honest to goodness ecomonist in the MN state legistlature - a conservative economics professor from St. Cloud State, King Banaian.
