Thursday, March 17, 2011

Your Weekend Homework

It's about 10 minutes. Just hit play;


  1. sth_txs6:38 AM

    I watched most of it. I liked the last one about reading books, kick back, go fishing, keep your labor input low.

    I've been doing that for a few years now.

  2. I watched the entire Crusaderism YouTube videos. Very good and I agree with you on most things.

    The world is bizzare. Nothing seems real because although everything is going bad, all the media and people think everything is still going to be just fine.

    Here is a very profound question for a man with your insight and anti-PCness. Why do lemmings march off cliffs?

  3. sestamibi1:48 PM

    Punchline: The Republicans control both houses of the Minnesota legislature. If and when the DFL ever returns to power you are are in real deep shit.

    I'm glad I don't live in Minnesota anymore--not that it matters since the same process is occurring just about everywhere else as well.

  4. Leon Battista Alberti12:27 PM

    Cappy, great series. I really enjoyed it and it is a good summary of what you and others have noticed about our culture. Actually, your series reminds me of a different approach in describing what Sir john Glubb wrote in The Fate of Empires:

  5. Leon Battista Alberti12:28 PM

    Oh, why is your Socialism/Capitalism series locked out?

  6. Shouldn't be, I just looked it up on the Internet. Should be either under my channel or Liberty's channel.
