Friday, April 08, 2011

Go Eritrea!

"aid only postpones the basic solutions to crucial development problems by tentatively ameliorating their manifestations without tackling their root causes. The structural, political, economic, etc. damage that it inflicts upon recipient countries is also enormous.” In other words, the government argues, U.N. aid does more harm than good."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I do hope to make an aside that is relevant.

The UN, and the people who work for the UN, have no intention of actually helping poor or desperate people.

They first and foremost are looking for a means of employment under the "noble" and "altruistic" guise of charity.


  1. That may be the most verbose way of saying "teach a man to fish..." I've ever seen.

  2. Stan in Sugar Land12:26 PM

    No, no it is not that: "They first and foremost are looking for a means of employment under the "noble" and "altruistic" guise of charity." It is, in my opinion, that they are looking for employment in which they can preen, pretent they are helping mankind and have lots of opportunity to "find" additional sources of wealth. (But then I think that may have been what you emplied with your "".

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I have nothing intelligent to add here and only offer my utter disdain for every A-Hole in the UN. They should all be shot with a ball of their own shit!! Our own Ambassador is exempt due to citizenship.

  4. Dalrock5:11 PM

    Reminds me a little of Malthus.

  5. Ryan Fuller11:52 AM

    I think they're right, but I wonder whether they actually realize they're right or if they just want less UN presence so they can keep supplying weapons to Islamic militants in Somalia to cause problems for Ethiopia.

    Eritria has a command economy. They have no ideological commitment to economic development outside of the interests of their own government. As much as I believe that markets and private property rights, not foreign aid, are the key to development and prosperity, I don't think Eritria really knows this.

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    It's almost funny.

    It doesn't take a PhD to realize what public policies (and LACK of them) will make your society wealthy free, and so forth.

    Read some economics and history.

    The big problem is cultural, there are whole cultures whose intellectual baggage is such that any of the policies that might help are anathema to those that matter, to the local religion, etc...

    Luckily many of those pathlogies exist here too, or are being imported and will soon remove the example we gave, so people will stop feeling bad in comparison.
