Saturday, April 02, 2011

We Can ALL Major in Sociology

And this is what will result.

But don't worry. This is totally sustainable.

You see, we'll all major in political science, we'll all work for the government and then that will create jobs because of all the government spending will cause a multiplier effect. And then we'll all have more money and we can buy Ipods made in China.

Worthless degrees people. They are key to the demise of this nation.


  1. If that youtube vid is yours...

    Any advice for a Finance major?

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    The phrase that sums this all up, becoming a nation that makes things rather than a nation that takes things, could be one of the selling features of the TEA Party movement in the next election.

  3. This story might explain a few things

    As Cappy Cap often says, 'Enjoy the Decline!'

  4. Anonymous2:18 PM

    This is a tipping point in a democracy. The people living off the government, can now out vote the people that pay the tax bill.
    This is a huge fracture to have happened to any society.
    One can only imagine, at what the Founding Fathers of the US Republic, would have to say about this current predicament.

  5. I can't say that I agree with all of the Libertarian ideology, but fiscal responsibility is huge. The lack thereof has gotten our country into a deep sinkhole. I read part of a book last year called "Stop Acting Rich...And Start Living Like a Real Millionaire." It's understandable that people want to be rich, but *acting* rich is the quickest way to become poor.
