Friday, May 20, 2011

Ah, Is There Anything Better Than Indoctrinated Youth

Ah, only indoctrinated youth can be so uneducated and so brainwashed that they can become so hypocritical, not to mention a threat to free speech and society.

I used to be concerned about the generational theft that is occurring, but not any more. Now I just sit back with the Rumpie and watch the show.


  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Democracy at work!

  2. There is a bonus for the professors. The indoctrinated youth come to view their indoctrinators as demigods and are often quite willing to provide those little services which do so much to relieve the tedium of the
    bookish life.

    Ah for the life of an Arts professor!

  3. A tenured Arts professor.
