Friday, May 06, 2011

Keynes Hayek 2

hat tip

And from the same source; "Jesus was not a liberal."


  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Sad truth is if Keynes were alive today, he would hate to see what is happening. Keynes never advocated for just reckless government spending. He argued for deficit spending either through tax cuts or "necessary spending". What the neo-Keynesians (aka Neo-Socialists) did was deficit spend, but not on anything that would create jobs.

    If a true Keynesian approach was taken instead of this bastardized Keynsianism the Obama administration has done. We would have seen that $787 Billion go to new drilling sites (ANWR anyone?), New oil refineries (we need them), and non-unionized roads repair (The WPA didn't employ union bums...they employed the unemployed) Not to mention probably the biggest thing Keynes would argue today CUT THE CORPORATE TAX!

    A sad day when Keynes has been hijacked by the extreme Left to further their BS agenda's (Green Jobs..yeah brilliant how's that workin?). Don't be fooled...There's no Keynes on Obama's economic policies, only Krugman and Marx.

  2. Anonymous7:39 PM

    These are great, even though I can't stand rap music..

    I love the ending, very realistic...

  3. sth_txs4:40 PM

    I though the firs one was better, but I hope this helps educate people or get to ask questions.

  4. Thanks for the link, Capt!
