Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Memorial Day Message from Big Oil

My evil contacts in Big Oil have sent me some interesting little data and facts that all of you young kids out there can ponder as you drive back home for Memorial Day weekend and upon arriving at home are told by your father,

"Sorry son, no vacation this Memorial Day weekend. Gas prices are too high. Oh, by the way, your mother and I can't afford your next quarter of tuition because we have no disposable income. You don't mind paying for your own anthropology degree do you? Instead of going to Yellowstone, let's break out some board games!"

So here a couple bits of evil propaganda that you can enjoy while you sit at home on Memorial Day weekend playing "Sorry" instead of going to Florida;

Evil propaganda piece 1.

Evil propaganda piece 2.

Evil propaganda piece 3.

Evil propaganda piece 4.

And my favorite, because the tone is so dumbed down that it really exposes the simple-minded nature of those who hate Big Oil - "what's better, more jobs, or less jobs?"


  1. Jaime Roberto12:56 PM

    For once I would like to see oil companies drop their touchy-feel ads (e.g. Chevron's "oil companies should support small business" ads) and say something like "You think we suck? Try living without us for a few days. No gas in the car, no heat in the home, no plastic products. You might find you like us after all."

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    I always like the devastating fact that government profits far more from fuel sales than the oil companies.

  3. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Thank you Jaime. That was a beautiful visual. My dad worked in the industry till he retired a few years ago and I have a great deal of respect for what the oil companies provide.

    The constant attacks on them by hypocrites like environmentalists that drive to the rallys is just grating.
