Thursday, June 16, 2011

During My Stroll Through the OECD

The OECD, I must admit, has vastly improved how it's organized its data and statistics. Beforehand you had to just jump in and try to figure out the logic by which some French economist tried to organize the data. This usually required 2 hours of your life and the consumption of copious amounts of booze to bring your blood pressure down. Now you can find it relatively easily.

Regardless, I wanted to take a look at how our Canadian brothers and sisters were fairing up north, and thought the charts would be of some interest to our fellow Cappy Cap readers. I apologize for the size, you will have to click on it to get a decent size view of it.


  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    The only thing I can see from these charts is that there is some correlation, similar reactions on external events due to cultural proximity, economies are interconnected or whatever.
    And yes, enjoy the decline in both countries.

  2. The "Spending as % GDP": is that consumer spending or government spending?

    Of course, government spending is just money taxed out of other parts of the economy....
