Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rollerskating Will Save the Housing Market

Ed over at The Deets sent this to me. It's an NPR MP3 of a woman out west who kept on building despite the housing crash. The story of the housing crash is behind us, but mercy, it is such a display of idiocy.

For 99 cents this lady could have saved her entire construction company.


  1. What can be said? I have not the words.

    Oh, yes I do.

    How did this idiot manage to get her interview on NPR? Let's point out all the ways her business flies in the face of everything the liberals hold dear.
    1, when times got tough, she shed employees in order to (gasp! the horror!) keep earning profits!
    2, She shed those employees in order to (how dare she!) avoid the paperwork and payments associated with social security. (Remember, liberals are proud to pay taxes. Just ask Biden.)
    3. She is building houses that are priced way beyond the means of the average American. (well, I guess it might be OK to make money off the rich.)

    Of course, this idiot is continuing to pursue a losing endeavor because "it is what I am." and that philosophy fits neatly in the liberal mindset. Who cares if you are a economic loser and you are spending away your savings to be one. You are pursuing your dreams, and that is GREAT!

    Seriously, what is the difference between this woman, and all the liberal arts majors that are graduating with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt?

  2. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Cudos to you Capn.
    I am in the industry, and was really intrigued by this story. With all my interest and earnest I could not listen the NPR commentator without going into a trance and going brain dead.

    I will try to search for a written version of this story because I can not seem to hear anything they say, just get lulled into a daydream state and at other times want to scream "just get to the f-ing point!!".

  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I found her website.

    Wonder why no one wanted to pay extra for Green Homes??? What a shock!

    Hard to believe 10 banks turned her down. Those evil capitalists! Only concerened about having their shareholders money returned plus interest with total disregard to Green Homes and Saving the Planet!

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Wow I heard the story, I am uncertain what colour the sky is in her world and how many moons orbit her house. She should go and smoke some more dope.

  5. Anonymous4:57 AM

    This must have been one of the Shovel Ready projects Obama was talking about...

  6. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I think she is pretty

  7. Anonymous12:50 PM

    More evidence of the failing government education system...

    "Educated" (aka indoctrinated) common sense and survival instincts right out of people...

  8. Ryan Fuller9:31 PM

    This is a shovel ready project: hit her with a shovel. All done.
