Sunday, July 03, 2011

Send Off the Captain Right

Your Captain, as he does every year, is about to embark on his 2 month western vacation wherein he hops on his motorcycle and simply "ventures forth." This year's vacation will include the regular fossil hunting, mountain climbing, agate finding, buffalo dodging, camping, Texas Hold 'Em-ing, tornado-chasing and gun shooting. But he will also attempt to make it to Kemmerer, WY in an attempt to find a fish fossil (which is one of the few he does not have).

He will of course have a laptop with him and will be dispensing his super awesome economic genius, but if you want to help the Captain pay for the incredible amount o' gas he is going to consume (despite being on a motorcycle) as well as give him a thank you for the sage-advice on economics he's already given you may do so by clicking on any of the links in the side bar.

Of particular note is the now-nearly free Kindle version of his book and his online class, both of which you will get more than your money's worth. You can also donate to the Captain's Pay Pal account, in which case you will get nothing in return, but then you can lord over him about how he had to take charity from you and he will forever owe part of his future success to you.

All proceeds go to the Captain's "Gas and Rumpleminze Fund" which keeps him and his motorcycle fueled.


  1. Dude! I am limited to things like Shark teeth here in Maryland at the Calvert Cliffs public diggings in Maryland. Sell me a fossil or two.

  2. I send you an ammonite if you send me some shark teeth! E-mail me your address.

  3. Have an awesome time capt.
