Tuesday, August 02, 2011

A Day in the Life of a San Franciscan

Light up a cigar and be thankful you don't;

1. live in San Francisco.
2. live in California
3. live in a major metro area

Poor Colonel


  1. sth_txs11:49 AM

    I enjoyed visiting, but could see no reason to even want to live there even one had money.

  2. I was wondering what had happened to his blog... it disappeared for a while.

  3. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Ah... the Colonel is back.

    Sometime ago his blog had literally vanished - sucked into the time-space continuum that makes up the proverbial bit-bucket.

    I just assumed somone was offended by his frank writing and got it purged.

    But, he's back and he needs all the "Good Luck" he can give him.

  4. Your 2 month trip has inspired me somewhat, Capt.

    I've decided to travel around the world, funded by my UK based software company (registered last week.) The software I'm working on itself is pretty boring but in a growing industry with a large customer base, I have no doubt it can provide me a living at least. As a backup a good friend of mine is willing to give me as much contract work as I want, but at 2/3's of the normal rate. Which is more than enough to live on in Western countries and everywhere else I'll be saving heaps.

    The cherry on top? I will never let my girlfriend set foot in the UK with me or be in anyway related. She will have no legal right to anything I own if we are always in foreign countries. If she trys getting pregnant to trap me, she has no legal way to enforce it. If I get tired of her? Plenty of decent foreign girls out there.

    The downside is I'll be paying tax in the UK, but it will either be so small it won't matter or if it's big enough I'll set up residency in a tax haven. When I get bored off travelling I should have a nice nestegg to set me up since I'll have to be frugal with my possessions and backpackers are cheap people.

    Any comments Capt Cap readers?

  5. Sonny Ortega6:46 AM

    offtopic: crusaderism in an interesting infographic. once again, crusaders don't give a crap about the proclaimed 'cause'.


  6. My captors found my dead drop, but after a few months in a sweat box, I've established another one.

    It's good to be back.
